We were pleased to present at CHES 2022 in coordination with AME Group, a remarkable presentation about “Ensuring healthcare system’s reliability and durability in a design-build project vs a P3 project”
The presentation covered a variety of key points about design build project and P3 project systems. Our presenters carefully showcased a detailed comparison between the two systems, showing the pros and cons of using each system by outlining their primary differences and more…
Below you can find an outline of what was presented and if you are interested to know more about design-build project vs P3 project systems, AES experts are always here to share their insights. Contact us at any time and we would be happy to fulfill your needs.
Design build project vs. P3 projects
Why & why not P3?
Successful Design-Build Planning & Delivery
Successful Design-Build Commissioning and Handover
Successful Design-Build Operational including challenges, operations, and improvements
& more…