CREW Vancouver June 1st event

AES Engineering was delighted to purchase a table at CREW Vancouver’s June 1st Signature Speaker Luncheon event featuring acclaimed sociologist, TEDx speaker and confidence researcher Dr. Maja Jovanovic, where she discussed the topic of “Leading with Confidence”. AES is honored to be a Gold Sponsor of CREW Vancouver, and it was a pleasure that our staff could benefit from the various networking and professional development opportunities.

BCEA Tradeshow in Kelowna

On June 8th, AES attended the #BCEA Tradeshow in Kelowna, where we were ecstatic to show our support and let the Okanagan electrical industry know we are also a part of the community! With delicious food and a wonderful golf tournament with scenic views, AES Engineering was proud to be one of the Trade Show Sponsors that helped in bringing the event together!